Can you Drive a Mobility Scooter if You are Visually Impaired?

Can you Drive a Mobility Scooter if You are Visually Impaired?


Those with poor mobility usually find that a mobility scooter can help them live a full and independent life. However, one of the most common questions we get asked is whether a mobility scooter is safe and legal to operate despite having visual impairments. 

In this article, find out the answer to this question and explore the best tips for keeping safe on a mobility scooter.

Can you drive a mobility scooter if visually impared?

What does the law say about driving a mobility scooter when you are visually impaired?

There is no legal eyesight requirement to drive a mobility scooter or powered wheelchair in the UK. However, the GOV.UK website recommends that “you should be able to read a car’s registration number from a distance of 12.3 metres (40 feet).” So as long as you can see well enough to read a car’s registration number from a 40ft distance, you can see well enough to use a mobility scooter safely.

If you are unsure, contact your doctor for further advice. Never use a mobility scooter if you feel it is unsafe to do so.

Tips for driving your mobility scooter safely

  • Know the pavement speed limits

Mobility scooters have a maximum speed of 4mph on pavements. Exceeding this speed limit is not only dangerous but also illegal. By keeping to the speed limit, you’ll also be able to stop your mobility scooter quickly in case of an emergency. 

  • Be aware of your surroundings

When using a mobility scooter, it’s important to stay alert and aware of your surroundings at all times. This means looking out for pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles that may be sharing the pavement or road with you. 

  • Use caution when driving down kerbs

Kerbs can be tricky to navigate in a mobility scooter, so it’s important to approach them slowly and at a right angle. Before attempting to drive down a kerb, make sure that it’s safe to do so and that the kerb is not too high or steep. 

  • Use your lights and horn

Many mobility scooters come equipped with lights and all come with horns to help you stay visible and alert others to your presence. Always use your lights (if applicable) and horn to alert others to your presence when driving in low light conditions, especially at night. 

  • Maintain your scooter

Keeping your mobility scooter well-maintained is the best way to ensure that it operates safely. Regularly check the brakes, tires, and steering, and ensure that your battery is fully charged every time you plan to use your scooter. You must also make sure your mobility scooter is serviced annually by a professional. At Ideas in Action, we provide a comprehensive repairs and after-sales service to keep you safe when you’re out and about.

For more scooter safety tips, check out our recent article.

Ideas in Action is the Midlands’ premier mobility aids centre. If you’re in the market for a mobility scooter, consider checking out our range of high-quality mobility equipment. We offer a wide variety of mobility scooters, powered wheelchairs and other mobility equipment to help you regain your independence. 

Contact our team for more information.
